All That Glitters

Hildreds Shopping Centre Skegness
November December   2023

The streets are paved with gold or rather inhabited by Splash Of Gold artist and igould photographer Steve Gould whose keen observations are being exhibited at the So What …. Gallery in The Hildreds. All That Glitters offers a unique insight into how the everyday lives of people can reveal a visually compelling view of urban life.

Steve periodically scans the town’s streetscape capturing scenes that catch his eye and grab the attention.

Highlighting ordinary moments and putting his own humorous spin on people’s comings and going’s as they stroll through their daily lives.

Whether it’s a family affair, parading along the promenade or a trip to the local shops, what appears to be everyday happenings takes on an entirely unexpected significance thanks to Steve’s keen eye.

Another aspect of Steve’s photographic artwork is his stunning collection of landscape images.

His affinity with the natural world is displayed in his studies of rural lincolnshire depicting the vast skies and wooded beauty of its glorious countryside.

Artistically Steve is an eclectic figure. He is exhibiting a range of styles and media, displaying his exquisite drawing skills alongside his bold acrylic abstract paintings, subtle watercolours and dynamic digital art.

Steve’s daily routine is punctuated with splashes of creativity which are an essential element in his life.

When you feel the need to step back, take a breather please call in to the gallery opposite to absorb a both stimulating, and at the same time relaxing exhibition which stirs the emotions, raises a smile and enriches the mind.